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I walked into the room

Taken by surprise

I stepped into another world

Captured by your eyes

My senses were awakened

I travelled back in time              

To a world I'd long forsaken

A world that once was mine



The sound of children's laughter

Catch me if you can

Seek and you will find me

Life without a plan

Grown-ups in the making

The birdsong and the bees

Mother Nature's lullaby

Lingers in the trees



Your painting isn't famous

It's a precious work of art

Captured by your eyes

Nurtured by your heart

Your painting isn't famous

But it's priceless just the same

You take me back again and again

You take me back again

Into another world


Verse 3

The fragrance of the forest

Intensified by rain                     

Long forgotten memories

Revived inside my brain                 

A picture perfect landscape

Tranquil and serene

With hues of blue and ochre

And patchwork shades of green


Verse 4

So, this song's for you, Joe

You planted the trees

And painted for pleasure

With cultivated ease               

You set up the backdrop

And pictured the scene

Was it purely for pleasure

Or an underlying dream        



Your painting isn't famous

It's a precious work of art

Captured by your eyes

Nurtured by your heart

Your painting isn't famous

But it's priceless just the same

You take me back again and again

You take me back again


You take me back again and again

You take me back again

Into another world




Your painting isn't famous

But it's priceless just the same

I can feel your presence

As my fingers trace your name


You take me back again

Into another world


Into another world






STORY BEHIND THE SONG - My husband Hugh’s Grandpa was a Forestry Commissioner for many years and was based at Daltamie Nursery in the south west of Scotland. Grandpa's 2 passions in life were trees and bees!

Hugh and his 2 brothers, Sandy and Brian, spent a lot of their childhood at Daltamie. When Grandpa retired he was given 2 lovely paintings - which were recently kindly given to us by Sandy’s wife June. The artist was Joe Trotter - he worked at the nursery cultivating and nurturing trees, but painting was his passion.

I was inspired by the story within the frames so I basically morphed myself into the 3 brothers and let nostalgia take over.

Bet Joe didn’t expect a song to be written about him 55 years after painting those pictures!

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